Your support of KIPP Delta Public Schools ensures that current and future KIPP Delta schools have the resources necessary to help students climb the mountain to and through college. KIPP Delta, like all charter schools, receives funding on a per pupil basis from the state for every student enrolled in our schools. However, unlike public schools, we are unable to access local taxes (via millage) for facility needs. In addition, we cannot receive funding from the state's Academic Facilities Partnership program. As a result of these inequities, KIPP Delta on average gets $2,000 less per pupil and must fundraise or incur debt for facilities to house students*. Philanthropic support helps us improve and expand our facilities and fuel our growth. It also helps us keep our commitment to students by funding our KIPP through College program, expanding student enrichment opportunities, and providing scholarship opportunities. On behalf of our KIPPsters, we thank you for your support!